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Girlie in Wonderland

"Her Saturdays are spent idly, sitting on the terrace of the [club] with a group of young men. . . . 'Ay! I'm hungry–' Girlie . . . announces, yawning. Daw, she says to herself, unimpressed with [the actor's] boasting. An image of her own wide mouth gapes open in her mind, the expression DAWWW stretched out to convey her unspoken contempt for what has just been said. . . . More drinks are ordered, a bowl of peanuts for Girlie.
[The military man] lights a cigarette. 'The man confessed,' he says, suddenly. His eyebrows go up and down in [the actor's] direction, to emphasize the significance of what he is saying. . . . 'What are you talking about?' Girlie asks, sitting up straight in her chair. She is ignored. . . . 'What are you talking about?' Girlie repeats, louder. [The actor] smiles one of his seductive smiles. He slips a hand casually under the table, resting it on her thigh. 'Shhh,' he says, in a mock whisper. Girlie turns to [the military man], who finally speaks. 'Just a guy. Someone we've been after for a long time.' He is annoyed. He finds her presence an intrusion, as he does with all women. Barely able to keep up a civil front, [he] avoids looking at Girlie. . . . The drinks and a bowl of peanuts are set on their table by a distraught waiter. . . .
Girlie picks at the oversalted peanuts while the men gulp down their drinks. . . . 'You don't know about women,' [the smug actor] tells [the military man], moving his hand further up Girlie's thigh. . . . 'My cousin's expecting, any day now–' Girlie mutters, pushing the actor's hand away from her crotch as discreetly as possible. She isn't sure why she doesn't just get up and leave. The men wouldn't even miss her. 'I know that,' [the actor] snarls at her, 'everyone knows that!' His flushed face betrays his anger, but he grins hastily, flashing gleaming white teeth. Girlie is disgusted by and afraid of him, but it is as if her body has grown heavy with fatigue and become part of the chair; she cannot move. She fights with herself to get up, to tear herself away.
[Her brother] giggles again. . . . You are a big baby, Girlie wishes she could say to her brother. . . . Girlie gazes at her brother and wonders if she is any better. She quickly finishes her drink. She takes a deep breath and pushes herself out of her chair. 'I have to make a phone call,' she says, to no one in particular. Without excusing herself, she walks away from the table. . . . 'Your sister's pissed off,' [one of the men] remarks. No one pays attention to him. . . . 'Women,' [the military man] mutters. He is glad she is gone, and hopes she won't return. . . . [The actor] looks around for the waiter. '. . . [T]he service stinks. You'd better tell your in-law.'
'I'll inform the Secret Squadron,' [the earnest military man] quips, but no one laughs. . . . [The actor] wonders if Girlie will come back. She's a little too touchy, but what the hell. . . . A day without sex is inconceivable to the movie star. . . . [Girlie's brother] is happy, content to listen to his friends brag about real or imagined exploits. He hopes the afternoon goes on forever. . . . The table is littered with empty beer bottles, too many glasses, ashtrays crammed to overflowing, and a half-filled bowl of peanuts. A warm breeze scatters ashes on the white tablecloth. [The military man] curses under his breath and smashes his fist on the table." Jessica HAGEDORN, Dogeaters (1990)
"We Communists are all dead people on leave." Eugen LEVINÉ, final speech (1919)

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